Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s/Siege – by Spencer Sunshine

In this episode we discuss Spencer Sunshine’s new book -Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s/Siege with the host and Daryle Lamont Jenkins.

The book can be found at

Reflections and Regrets from 80’s Student activism

The VMN narrator shares her reflections and regrets about the 1980’s Pro-Palestinian and anti-apartheid movement. It’s basically a rant about the Kangaroo courts going on at the University of Vermont with their disciplinary hearings.

A discussion with authors of the statement at

In this episode we discuss the statement at with 2 of the 3 authors. The statement, which was read in its entirety in volume 3 episode 29 talks about antisemetism on the left and various problems with the current left movement. The statement which was prompted by uncritical support for the Oct 7 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel has gained unexpected attention.

A discussion with free speech Hero Lee Morrigan

In this episode we discuss the free speech case of Lee Morrigan who was hauled in front of a Vermont Secret Inquest in the effort to compel them to reveal a journalistic source. We also discuss some of the right wingers constantly try to go after Lee as an open trans person.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins on BTV Channel 17

This episode is a rebroadcast of a discussion between Meghan O’Rourke and Daryle Lamont Jenkins regarding free speech and an intro on what the One People’s Project does to oppose fascism, fascists and racists.

Epona Rose Speaks out

Epona Rose speaks out about transphobia and her recent assault and arrest for self-defense in so called Flagstaff Arizona.

There are some issues with the sound quality but i have done my best to make this listen-able.

Trigger warnings for sexual assault, abusive jail conditions and transphobia apply.

Discussion at YIVO of left wing antisemetism

The horrors coming out of Israel/Palestine have been bringing out the worst in many people.

The attacks on Israeli civilians and the corresponding wholescale killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza has created fertile ground for Islamophobia and antisemetism.

In this episode i am rebroadcasting a discussion of Antisemetism on the left that was initially recorded on Tuesday May 4, 2021 at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Many thanks to Spencer Sunshine and YIVO for permission to use this material. It is especially relevant at the present moment.

The original video can be found at and at .

Talking with the Grassroots social and cultural center in Wroclaw Poland

In this episode we talk with Krzysztof from the Oddolne Centrum Społeczno Kulturalne – or Grassroots Social and Cultural Center in Wroclaw Poland. The center has come under repeated attack by neo-nazis but it continues to do it’s good work.

Antifascist: A Memoir of the Portland Uprising, 2016-2021

In this episode we discuss the book – Antifascist: A Memoir of the Portland Uprising, 2016-2021, by Luis Enrique Marquez. We discuss the ups and downs of being an antifascist in Portland and some of the many controversies Luis has gotten involved in during his activist career.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins – Executive Director of the One Peoples Project is co-host.

Luis is the author of the book who graciously agreed to come talk on VMN !

Talking with The Polish Grannies !

In this episode we talk with Polskie Babscie – The Polish Grannies about the situation in Poland and the importance of the upcoming elections. The Polish Grannies have stood against the far right ruling party – PIS and it’s bigotry in the streets. Polskie Babscie shows that antifascism is not just for the young !

ACAB in Flagstaff AZ – Free Epona Rose !!

In this episode we discuss the situation of Epona Rose who was arrested for defending herself from a hateful attack. All this is happening in the backdrop of centuries of ONGOING oppression of the indigenous population by the colonial authorities. Colonialism and imperialism continues to poison the hearts of many living under them.

CCTV Interviews Marina Brown about VTLEAKS

This episode contains a recording of a CCTV interview of Marina Brown
regarding VTLEAKS.

This is the description from

The recording will be presented in whole as it was.

Host Meghan O’Rourke interviews Marina Brown about VT Leaks, Vermont Transparency and Accountability.

For more information visit:

Production Date: 05/19/2023

Jordan Mitchell

Economy & Business

free speech

Creative commons licensed – on the CCTV website and
on youtube.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Forum: Fighting Back Against Fascism and the Far Right feat.Daryle Lamont Jenkins, John Leslie and Brittany W.

PHILADELPHIA, PA – Forum: Fighting Back Against Fascism and the Far Right feat. Daryle Lamont Jenkins, John Leslie and Brittany W.

Tue Jul 18th 6:30pm – 9:00pm (EDT)
William Way LGBT Community Center,
1315 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA

Forum: Fighting Back Against Fascism and the Far Right

Workers’ Voice presents a panel discussion on the rise of the far right, the current offensive against queer and trans people, and how we can fight back.


Daryle Lamont Jenkins – antifascist researcher, founder and executive director of One People’s Project, and editor of Idavox.

John Leslie – labor, socialist, and antifascist activist, Workers’ Voice.

Brittany W. – educator speaking on the far-right offensive against LGBTQ people in the schools.

Racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia are on the rise — stoked by lies and conspiracy theories. The result is a sharp increase in hate crimes against oppressed peoples. This hate is being brought forth not only by violent fascists like the Proud Boys and Patriot Front but also by groups like Moms for Liberty and politicians of the GOP. Trumpism has set these forces in motion in recent years, but the roots of the current far-right surge go deeper into the history of racism that is so ingrained in U.S. capitalist society.

White supremacist ideas like the “great replacement theory” and Christian nationalism are being mainstreamed in one of the two bourgeois parties, as the Republicans increasingly take on features of a far-right party. But the Democratic Party, the traditional party of slavery and Jim Crow segregation, likewise facilitates the current climate of prejudice, as it seeks to maintain the status quo on behalf of capitalism. The Biden administration’s clamping down against Latino and Haitian migrants on the border is one example of its reactionary policies.

Stopping the far right will take a mass movement of millions. Cops, capitalist courts, and liberal politicians won’t save us. The key to opposing the far right is independent, united front mass counter-mobilization by the working class and oppressed. It also means exercising our right to self-defense in an organized way.

Again – that was the advertisement for the event. This forum presents a somewhat different approach than our last interviewee – Alexander Reid Ross.

A warning to the listeners – the sound quality is rough in some parts particularly the end portion with the question and answer segment but we believe that this is very much worthwhile listening to.

Listen to the podcast at:

Martia Abernathy response to the previous episode

This is the response of Martia Abernathy to the previous episode regarding the TERF provocation at Burlington Pride and the Outright truck pull. Martia is a long time transactivist living in the UK. She is a podcaster. Her social media, podcasts and broadcasts can be found at .

VMN Volume 3 Episode 7 – All out against the white Supremacist AmRen Convention

VMN V3 E7 – An interview with Daryl Lamont Jenkins of the antifascist One Peoples Project regarding opposition to the white supremacist American Renaissance convention that will be held at the Montgomery Bell Park in Burns TN Nov 18-20 2022.

All out against white supremacy !

Margaret Elisabeth a co-chair of Green Party Lavender caucus

An interview with Margaret Elisabeth a co-chair of Green Party Lavender caucus and a co-chair of the Green Party of the US. The Green party has become a front in the recent wave of culture war bigotry. We discuss transphobia, the anti-crt panic and fascist entryism in the environmental movement. This is a must-listen episode !

An interview with a Texas history teacher

Scott Frank is a history teacher who works at IDEA Frontier, a public school in Brownsville, Texas. For reference, IDEA stands for “Individuals Dedicated to Excellence and Achievement”. In his own words, he describes the anti-CRT backlash as “an attack on educators, the understanding of the past and, worst of all, on our students fully comprehending and coming to terms with what happened and how to move forward”.

Vol 3 Episode 3 – An interview with a public school Latin teacher

*Andrea Weiskopf *- Andrea is an English and Latin teacher who works
with Loudoun County Public Schools. I have not found any news articles
about her receiving harassment from right-wingers, but she is an active
supporter of social justice and has counter-protested against many
far-right gatherings.

Twitter: @latinsaxa

Vermont Movement News Vol 3 Episode 2 – Melissa Grandi Statz

Vermont Movement News vol 3 Episode 2

Daryle Lamont Jenkins, the executive director of the One Peoples Project
todays co-host.

In this episode we will be interviewing Melissa Grandi Statz
Melissa was a social studies teacher who works at Dyer Elementary School in Burlington, Wisconsin. In August 2020 – a few months after George Floyd’s murder, Melissa taught classes about racism in response to questions from her students who the murders by police. A right-wing Facebook group eventually caught wind of lessons and a slew of harassment and death threats began. Her story was covered by PBS Wisconsin Education and NBC News.

Vermont Movement News vol 3 Episode 1 – An interview with Brian McCrae

In this episode we will be interviewing Brian McCrae, a
teacher of photography, video production, and graphic design teacher at North Country Union High School in Newport Vermont up near the canadian border. Vermont has a reputation for liberalism and progressive values, however it has not been immune against the far-right’s crusade against anti-racist values and tolerance.

Inteview with Raymond Tee Tee Moore, Shawn Pratt and Daryl Lamont Jenkins

VMN Vol 2 Episode 3 features an interview with Raymond Tee Tee Moore from North Adams Ma, Shawn Pratt from Bennington VT and Daryl Lamont Jenkins of the One Peoples Project out of NJ. They discuss BLM and the many challenges and threats they have faced organizing for racial justice.

Vol 1 Episode 10 – Anti-Muslim speaker deplatformed twice and a right wing radio host fired.

Vol 1 Episode 10 features an interview with Asma Elhuni who was centrally involved in the deplatforming of anti-muslim speaker and author Robert Spencer from not one but 2 venues in New Hampshire. This campaign may also have cost a right wing radio host his job for his aggressive social media comments regarding this event.

ACAB or The Boston Police Riot at Straight Pride Hate Rally !

Volume 1 Episode 9 of VMN has interviews from the hostess, Medic Mom, the elderly medic who was attacked by the cops, ruckus and an anonymous medic who did his duties as a medic even while being held hostage by the police.

The episode wraps up with an interview with Alison from the Torproject discussing digital security for activists as some people had their cell phones stolen by untrustworthy individuals at the event.

All Out against the fascistic Straight Pride Aug 31 in Boston !

Volume 1 Episode 8 of Vermont Movement News. This is a shorter podcast for an emergency mobilization against the fascist Straight Pride Parade that is being held in Boston on Saturday August 31. The purpose of this podcast is to get as many people as possible to come out to oppose this right wing event.

Volume 1 Episode 7 – The fightback against ICE

Volume 1 Episode 7 of Vermont Movement News. This episode features interviews with Julie Conason and Adrienne Cooper Smith who were arrested protesting the ICE data Center in Williston VT on July 28th. We also have an interview with Scott Norman Rosenthal who was arrested protesting the ICE raids in Hartford on Aug 14th. The second interview will be the one
with Remi, a street medic who was at the tragic ICE vehicular attack on protestors at the Wyatt Detention center in Rhode Island.

FIP/Anti-ICE action in Hartford TSP VT and Anti-F35 action.

Volume 1 Episode 6 of Vermont Movement News. This episode features interviews with Asma Alhouni and Kira Kelley who were at the July 30 2019 action at the Hartford Select Board discussing a FIP (Fair and Impartial Policing Policy that would forbid the Hartford police from collaborating or colluding with Federal ICE agents.

After discussing the situation in Hartford we will move onto a reportback and discussion with Jenifer Decker from the movement to stop nuclear bombers from being based in South Burlington at the Burlington International Airport.

Volume 1 Episode 5 – an interview with Red.

Volume 1 Episode 5 of Vermont Movement News. This episode features an interview with Red who was present at Occupy/Decolonize Oakland, the infamous “Battle of Berkely” and the protest that de-platformed Milo Yanappolis. Be forewarned that there will be discussion of police and far right brutality and violence.

Volume 1 Episode 4

Welcome to Volume 1 Episode 4 of Vermont Movement News. This episode will give reports back on the Extinction Rebellion protest in Montpelier Vermont, and an interview with a DUMP activist from Newport VT and an interview with an activist from Bennington whose well was contaminated with PFOA.

Vermont Movement News Volume 1 Episode 2

Volume 1 Episode 2 of Vermont Movement News. This episode will give reports back on the 4th of July protest against ICE in Bristol Vermont and a brief report back from the alt-lite so called “Defend Free Speech” Rally in Washington DC. We were fantastically lucky to get an interview with researcher Gwen Snyder who has apparenty been targetted by the Proud Boys in retaliation for her research. Finally we will have a discussion with medic mom regarding the alt-lite/proud boy rally in DC with footage from the event.

Vermont Movement News Vol 1 Episode 1

Vermont Movement News Vol 1 Episode 1 – This episode features report backs from Bennington Pride, The Radical Pride in Burlington, The Migrant Justice protest in Newport, the Anti-Ice protest in Burlington and a discussion of conspiracy theories and why people buy into them and a bit more !

If you have a bittorrent client we would very much appreciate you grabbing and seeding this for us !